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are needed to spread the seed of God's will for love worldwide 

We are advocates for God's will for Love

We believe, LOVE is the greatest gift to and for life.  When you plant seeds of God’s will of pure, genuine, selfless, sacrificial, authentic, unfailing, unconditional love, He displayed through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ gracefully in your heart, the right fertilizer needed to continuously feed your High5(financial, spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical states of beings)!  This Loyal lifetime LOVE will sprout into unmeasurable, indescribable JOY, and PEACE.  The strength needed to bear all LONG-SUFFERINGS with PATIENCE, GENTLENESS,  and GOODNESS to find good in everything.  Your FAITH will grow supernaturally to stay FAITHFUL, with  MEEKNESS, and TEMPERANCE.  Humility and self-control filled with compassion will be displayed in any situation to always find hope and live in freedom in your heart and mind.  When these attributes saturate your character, you will blossom into a tree of life, producing righteous fruit within your, spirit, soul, and body in every season.  The warm feeling in your heart, allows you to experience life on earth as it is in heaven. It's The Master’s key to unlocking forgiveness to ensure your spirit will return to God and live for eternity.

The heart was created in the image of God,, and he is love.  to walk in the likeness of Jesus Christ, His life health and resurrection displayed the action of love. everyone's heart was created and deserves to experience 

God's will for love.



Thank you for your contributions to illuminate God's will for love worldwide.

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